Monday, October 26, 2009

NY Mag Still Humping Outmoded, 35-point WinWarble Rating System

It's hard to imagine, in this day and age, a mainstream publication still clinging to a horse-and-buggy WinWarble measurement scale, such as New York Magazine's use of the 35-point Sterling Deconstruction Rating System.

We tried to talk to them. We've noted -- kindly, without use of hurtful sarcasm -- the need for a 100 point scale, in the Spinal Tappian sense.

They don't listen. They're young, impetuous. They need to learn the hard way.

But they do make a few decent points -- especially about John's need for a Marinano Game-Ender Call.

Hey, give them a visit. We're always happy to help youngsters enter the 21st century of Scientific WinWarble Analysis.

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