Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Yankee anthem? Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind"

I bet Tim McCarver will sing along tonight, when Z performs.

I made you hot nigga,
Catch me at the X with OG at a Yankee game,
shit I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can,
you should know I bleed Blue, but I ain't a crip tho,
but I got a gang of niggas walking with my clique though,
welcome to the melting pot,
corners where we selling rocks,
Afrika bambaataa shit,
home of the hip hop,
yellow cab, gypsy cab, dollar cab, holla back,
for foreigners it ain't fitted act like they forgot how to act,
8 million stories out there and they're naked,
city it's a pity half of y’all won’t make it,
me I gotta plug a special and I got it made,
If Jeezy's payin LeBron, I’m paying Dwayne Wade,
3 dice cee-lo
3 card marley,
Labor Day parade, rest in peace Bob Marley,
Statue of Liberty, long live the World Trade,
long live the king yo,
I’m from the Empire State.
Empire Upstate version...
I sent ya an email, dude,
Catch me on the Thruway at the Utica stop, you way...


  1. Performance got postponed to Thursday due to rain, baby.

  2. It's disgusting that the Yankees would even considering associating with this filth.

  3. Grandpa, is that you?

  4. What's disgusting is to hear the military oompah music and Kate Smith songs blasting through the Bronx, birthplace of hip hop. This is a small and tardy step in the right direction.

  5. This on TV during the World Series pregame? I bet there won't be a lyrics crawl across the bottom of the screen. Makes the wardrobe malfunction seem like Sesame Street.


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