Saturday, November 7, 2009

Beautiful quote from A-Rod

The Times buried this. Last paragraph. Sums up everything.

“I wish we could just continue to play. Just show up and play for no reason. We have such a good group of guys. You know. No umpires, no scores. Just show up and have fun, like a softball game.”


  1. so awesome. he loves the game more than himself :)
    e definitely saw a new a-rod this past year. he's truly a yankee now.

  2. At the risk of sounding like Alphonso, please allow my to take a stab at what A-Rod really means by that comment:

    Is it choice A: "You know, I really have fallen in love with the game again this year. Forget the $200+ million contract, I'd gladly play for free. Especially for my teammates, who stood by me and supported me in my most difficult time. I love them all."

    or, choice "B": "You people have no idea how much of a bitch Kate can be. And Goldie's always over and she won't shut up."

    Methinks "B" might be the more likely choice.


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