Thursday, November 5, 2009

Girardi, driving home from victory, rescues stunned woman from fiery crash, serves soup to homeless, stops to teach autistic child to whittle

OK, we made up part of it. But right now, Joe Girardi is on the cusp of being named ABC News Person of the Week!

And to think that there are elements out there -- you know who you are! -- who wanted a rush to judgment in favor of Hideki Matsui for November's YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH award.

Are you sorry now? Did you fathom that Joe Girardi would become a one-man symbol of the goodness of humanity, of baseball and of the Yankees? Next time you walk past slimy Redsock fans, and they make one of their slimy Redsock fan snide remarks, you will have not only the triumph of 27 rings but the moral superiority of a franchise whose manager stops on the side of the road to help his fellow species.

But no. Some of you wanted us to run off willy-nilly, higgety-piggety, nip-and-tuck and name Hideki as November YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH.

Well, they play nine innings in baseball. They play 60 minutes in the NFL. And democracy doesn't end until election day.

Ask Hamid Karzai. Or should we name him IT IS HIGH President of Afghanistan for the month of November? Is that what you want?


  1. Dear Leader,

    I wondered what message to take from the silence following last night's Matsui post at 11:55 pm. I thought your Internet connection had failed. Or you had a major deadline to meet. Or you were writing the blog post of all blog posts in celebration of the coronation of Matsui, he of the 6 RBI in Game Six. Now, and sadly so, I know your silence was caused by none of those things.

    Like Stalin inside the Kremlin, you were waiting for events beyond your control to offer you a lifeline. A mix of calculation and desperation known only to the likes of Stalin, Palin, Quimby, and, now...El Duque.

    Between bites of your favorite meal of sturgeon and eggs, you waited. And salvation came to you in the form of Joe Girardi's heroic act on the way home from the ballpark.

    Let me ask you this, Dear Leader.

    Would you be trumpeting the virtue of Girardi's Samaritan gesture had Matsui left all those men on base, contributing to a 3-1 defeat?

    I say no, no, no, and no. I say no again! This time much louder! Had there been no Hideki Matsui last night, Joe Girardi would have left the ballpark hours earlier, would have brushed and flossed his teeth and fell asleep reading the latest Patterson pulp hours before Marie Henry's incident on the Cross County Parkway!

    There is no heroic Girardi without Hideki Matsui!

    On behalf of people everywhere, I ask you to reconsider your decision to not name Hideki Matsui Yankee Employee Of The Month for November 2009! (Sidebar: if for nothing else, Matsui deserves the honor because of McCarver's jab that a great place for Matsui to end up next year would be Seattle, so he could be with the "other" Japanese star. If you ignore the merits of Matsui's case, you give life to this terrible vision of a 21st Century Internment Camp...)

    Fearing for my life, I must now go into hiding. But I will be watching. And I am not alone.

  2. Jim Leyritz's CellmateNovember 5, 2009 at 7:55 PM

    For the record, I wanted to name me employee of the month... but I guess an actual employee would be better.

  3. If we had gone and decided the month of October on the basis of one day, Juan Miranda would have been YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH.

    I'm Bill, before you make any more wild-eyed accusations about the nature of the Employee of the Month award (remember: Redsock fans read this blog) I hope you'll think about that little lady who owes her life to a Yankee manager. Somehow, if she was a Redsock fan, I gotta believe she's now on our side. And you know? That's something no home run can ever truly top -- a human life!

    So let's get a little perspective here. There's a person out there living and breathing tonight because one man saw human suffering and said, NO, I WON'T JUST DRIVE ON BY.

    Who was that man? It doesn't matter. But shouldn't that man have a chance to be the next YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH?

  4. Now I get the results of the Yankee hero poll.

    One Good Samaritan moment = 7 world championships.

    That's in perfect keeping with the magananimous, unselfish attitude that is the hallmark of Yankee fans everywhere.

    Based on the GS/world championship ratio, Girardi should rank second to DiMaggio, who played on nine World Championship teams, a total clearly out of Girardi's reach, at least until next year, or until his next Good Samaritan act.

    I'm also thinking that Joe Torre will soon start patrolling the freeways of L.A. for opportunities to move to the Number One hero position. He needs just one GS act.

    Please keep us posted on this fascinating competition.


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