Sunday, November 8, 2009

Letter to the Editor: Jay-Z and the Yankees

The Toronto Sun
November 2, 2009

Dear Editors,

I watched in amazement the other night as Jay-Z and Alicia Keyes performed Empire State Of Mind, the new anthem to the New York Yankees. I was in awe not only of the performance but also of all the players, Yankees and Phillies, enjoying themselves prior to the game. I even got a call from my father (70 years old), a man who grew up with the "standards" like Frank Sinatra's classic New York, New York, which has been the staple/ anthem of the Yankees' crowd. He enjoyed the performance and the song. I can't tell you the number of times I angered my parents with the rap sounds reverberating from the walls of my bedroom. That my father enjoyed rap music makes me realize the genius that is Jay-Z , bridging the gap between young and old.


1 comment:

  1. The song "New York New York" that is played after most Yankee games was recorded by Sinatra in 1980. I doubt his 70 year-old father "grew up" with it.


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