Sunday, November 29, 2009

Letter to the Editor: World at War... Jersey is the battleground

Gloucester County Times (New Jersey)
November 22, 2009 Sunday

To the Editor:

Concerning Anthony Milanese's letter, "Best champs $$$ can buy," on Nov. 18:

Phillies fans, stop crying.

The Phillies had the same opportunity as the Yankees to purchase good players. They chose to be cheap.

Vent your anger and frustrations on "fortune teller" Jimmy Rollins (who had predicted a Phillies' World Series win), choker Ryan Howard, and pitching flops Cole Hamels and Brad Lidge.

I went to the mall and to different eateries and did not see one Phillies shirt. Really faithful fans, huh?

Congratulations to the greatest franchise in sports, the New York Yankees.

The new buzz word around here is, wait 'til next year ... and next year, and next year. Philadelphia is again a city of losers.

C. P. Crisante Jr.

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