Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Love Conquers All: One out of every five Yankee fans is comfortable enough with self to forgive Pedro Martinez for sins

It's... Love, Yankerican Style.

One out of five Yankee fans bear no malice toward the humiliated Pedro Martinez, who recently was defeated twice in six World Series games, effectively ending Philadelphia's chance to repeat as World Champions.

One out of five! Never did we at IT IS HIGH believe that a surge of love for one such as Pedro Martinez could garner 21 percent. When we originally offered absolution to the poor man, stripped of dignity and hope, no one thought one out of five would extend their golden taser of kindness.

And yet... that's what happened.

Congratulations, Yankiverse.

We've made a tiny little man believe in the power of love.


  1. Why do you keep pushing this lie ED? We all know you manipulated the poll.

  2. One out of five? Big deal -- one out of five dentists also believe that their patients should chew gum that's loaded with sugar. So chew on that.


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