Monday, November 9, 2009

Suggested Rules for Instant Replay in Baseball

It's time for Major League Baseball to join the 20th Century!

It's time for Video Replay Umpiring in the manner perfected by the National Football League. No longer should baseball games be decided on the whimsy of lumps who cannot see the strike zone without tucking in one of their three chins.

We suggest the following procedures.

1. On a close play at any base -- not including balls and strikes -- a manager can demand a video review by tossing his ORANGE FLAG flag onto the playing field. This signifies the need for a video conference.

2. Umpires will proceed to the clubhouse to watch and discuss the play. They will have five minutes to issue their decision. Meanwhile, the Jumbotron screen will play commercials.

3. If the play stands as called, the manager who demanded the video review will be charged ONE TIME OUT! This will deter managers from throwing the flag indescriminately.

1 comment:

  1. I propose a 10-minute delay for a ball-or-strike replay after every pitch.


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