Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Does a new charge damage Ari Fleischer's chances to win Celebrity Yankee Fan of the Decade?

Lisa Baron, former humper for the Christian Coalition, is writing a book.

Inevitably, when people hear Baron worked for Reed during the 2000 Republican presidential primary in South Carolina (she was Lisa Gimbel then), they ask if it's true that Reed spread the false rumor that Sen. John McCain had fathered a black child.

"How would I know?" writes Baron. "I was too busy giving [George W. Bush's future press secretary] Ari Fleischer [oral sex] in a Greenville hotel room."

Can we possibly elect a tainted celebrity?


  1. you do know that this was in 2000 before Fleischer met his wife. Lisa Baron is really low class.

  2. Frankly, this improves Ari's image to a lot of us!

    Sign John Lackey.


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