Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It is time to elect the next YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH!!!

Reader, look to your left (our right, as we're facing you.)

You will find the most important poll in the lives of several human beings.

Your selection could be the difference between hope...

... and despair.

Vote now.

We need imput from you... and you... and you!


  1. I have been pulling for Suzyn for two months now, but my vote goes to Bob Sheppard. Send him off right with this prestigious award.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Did WalMart withdraw its sponsorship of this award? Bad business decision on their part. It's gonna be huge.

    As for Sheppard, he won YEOM for January 2009. Does he really need another YEOM award within the same year? Maybe he could be given "Employee of the Last 60 Years" or some such more comprehensive award.


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