Tuesday, December 22, 2009

MLB buzzing about Cashman trade plans

Supposedly, B-Cash -- the IT IS HIGH Yankee Executive of the Decade -- is near a deal for a pitcher, though lately, "dealing for a pitcher" has been used as a Yankee code phrase, like "hiking the Appalachian trail" was for the governor of South Carolina. What it means is, getting a LH bat.

There's excitement over a trade, and yesterday's statement by VP Mark Newman that we intend to start Jesus Montero at Scranton this year sounds ominiously like the touting of a prospect who is about to disappear.
If so, this would be a painful Christmas in the Yankiverse: Cashman betraying Jesus on Dec. 24. Lump of coal, anyone?

Let's hope for the best. But keep this in mind:
Most of the big names out there -- Ted Lilly, Roy Oswalt, etc. -- would mean huge salary dumps from their team. We'd absorb a $10-$14 million salary for a guy whose team knows he isn't worth it.

For $15 million, we could have had John Lackey, we would have kept Boston from getting him, and they'd be the ones anxiously draining their farm system for... what... Bronson Arroyo?

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