Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Yankee trade proves nobody in the future will ever invent time travel, because someone would have come back and stopped Cashman

And to think, three weeks ago, we actually had a farm system.


  1. It's funny because pretty much any Yankee fan with a brain and every non-Yankee fan thinks that we've done particularly well this off-season. While making the team better than last year's, we've cut payroll and gotten younger at the same time. Cashman is a genius. I'm sorry that he took away the fringe players that weren't ever good enough to be every day Yankees but everybody liked anyway, but we now have a much better team at a lower cost. It's pretty astounding that you can't grasp that.

  2. I know what you mean Adam, but as a Yankee fan, you gotta admit you like Melky at least some of the time and you'll be sad to see a decent, home-grown player go. I'm not saying it's a bad trade, but el duque is just cracking into the 12 stages of grief. He's only at "anger." He'll come around.

  3. Adam,

    Our payroll is now virtually equal to what we were spending last year. When it comes to our "budget," I bet a Matt Holliday doesn't fit into our plans now.

    We now have two everyday outfielders. Unless the Steinbrenners nix the budget, we won't have Holliday or Bay to make it three. And one of those "fringe players that weren't ever good enough to be every day Yankees but everybody liked anyway" is our supposed new starting center fielder: Brett Gardner.

    The last three pitchers the Yankees got after they had career years in the NL East are Carl Pavano, Jaret Wright, and Kyle Farnsworth.

    And I leave you with this: When Javy Vazquez entered Game 2 of the 2004 ALCS, the score was 2-0 Red Sox. When he left, the score was 8-1 Red Sox. When we needed him the most, Javy Vazquez could not hold it together, and thus it resulted in arguably the worst loss in our esteemed franchise's history.

    So where exactly are the positives in this trade?

  4. Javy Vasquez is Satan. Fucking dynasty killer. I bet his ERA doesn't go below 4.50 this year. If I lose, I'll saw off my own leg with no anesthetic. He is a loser, a choker and a piece of shit. I don't give a fuck about his VORP or any of that other shit you sabernerds want to throw at me. I watch the games. I don't crunch numbers. Say what you will about Melky but he proved last year that he was a winner.

  5. lmao at you losers. Melky always sucked. He was the loveable shitty player on a team of all-stars. I'd rather have Gardner anyway, at least he can run. The rotation is leagues better than last year - Vasquez would be a #1 or 2 on every other team out there, and he's our FOURTH starter. They're gonna win ~107 games

  6. Does team chemistry mean anything at all to anyone? Adam and anonymous, we are talking about humans not robots that just play baseball. Melky isn't the best player but he is home grown talent. He was rising and not to mention he is Canos best friend. Nick Johnson and Javier Vazquez suck, they suck

  7. You guys are So Dumb. Cashman is giving you the best possible team he can for this coming year, while I can guarantee that he has excellent plans for next year and the year after. He, right now, is the best GM in baseball given the payroll he has to work with. We are going to see championship contending teams, barring injuries, every year in New York as long as he has control and the Steinbrenners don't (big reason why those pitchers from the NL East in the past didn't pan out; different era, Cash has more control now). If you don't like that, if you don't like the win first attitude, go root for another fucking team. Gauging a player on something he did in one game 5 years ago is so fucking retarded, and that's why Cashman isn't doing the same thing.

    And chemistry? Get a fucking life; like you know anything about running a baseball team. I'm sure that Vasquez and Johnson are just going to KILL the chemistry, right? Even if they do, they're still going to win us a lot of fucking games next year; get used to it. Remember when you guys were all decrying the Swisher pickup last year? Fucking grow up. Realize that Cashman knows what he is doing, and this was a trade (as were the others this offseason) that made our team a lot better.

    I understand it sucks to let a player go that you liked, but this is the team you cheer for. If you want to win World Championships, keep cheering for the Yankees and take it when they trade inferior talent for superior talent. If you want to cheer for players and cute stories and adorable faces, go cheer for the fuckin' Royals. There's tons of likable fringe players on that squad.

    You can watch as many games as you want, but you'll never know as much about baseball as Cashman does. That much is perfectly clear with all of this doom and gloom. Grow. Up. Get. Real. You're wrong.


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