Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus: Redsocks sign Mike Cameron. Ten Reasons to be Joyous

1. That's 150 strikeouts next year... $55,000 per whif.

2. He'll fit into clubhouse... twice suspended for doping.

3. The Hadron Large Collider of outfielders; watch out Jacoby!

4. Season long strikeout derby with Big Papi, who has 134.

6. Still has that speed, as evidenced by 7 SB last year. (In 10 attempts.)

8. Pete Abe to Redsock Nation: "You'll like him; he's funny."

9. They're his seventh team since '95... hello-o-o?

10. They kept us from signing him.


  1. No reasons to be joyous. They won the off-season, end of story...

  2. That last reason was the exact reason I was glad... We won't get him.

  3. Reason 10 should be reason 1-125


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