Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Two-fifty-two, two home runs, in five-hundred-and-thirty-eight at-bats, at age thirty-five, in a lesser league

These are the numbers that have effectively ended the Johnny Damon era in New York, and bring to close the progression of increasingly testy exchanges between Brian Cashman and the Yankiverse.

Randy Winn is our new leftfielder.

He was an all-star in 2002.

Last year, he was paid $9.6 million.

I guess you could say, for $2 million, we're getting him cheap.

He is a switch hitter. Last year, he batted .158 from the right side.

Excuse me now. I'm going to go soak my head in a bucket of icewater.


  1. I bet he's the fourth outfielder.

  2. I stood against El Duque when he opposed Granderson. I fought against him in his slanderous Anti-Nick Johnson crusade. I even urged patience with the Javy-hate.

    But this...I...I...I...


    .671 OPS at age 35. DO NOT WANT.

  3. You and me, Anonymous, we're only the names anybody trusts anymore.

  4. This budget is dog shit. Rand Winn is dog shit. Please wake up George - his kids are dog shit.

  5. For 5 mil more than Winn we could have had a special team... we still may win but it is not a given in our division.

  6. I would ask what sterling's home run call is going to be for him, but i dont think we'll really need to worry about that with Winn's 2 a year

  7. Did you know that the name Randee Winn contains a secret communist code?!?!?!


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