Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why do we feel so rotten about this Johnny Damon business?

For weeks, I've been trying to ditch this Johnny Damon funk. I just can't. He appears in my dreams, shouting to me from the bottom of a well. He's crying. He's asking me why we pushed him into the abyss. I wake up screaming.

I truly like Brett Gardner. I like Curtis Granderson. I could grow to relike Nick Johnson. (But I hope Javier Vazquez' brain explodes, because the mere image of him in Pinstripes is revolting. HE should be at the bottom of that well.)

Yes, back in December, Johnny wanted too much money and too many years. We said fuck-off, and then pushed the trade buttons. Now he's down there, without a market, contemplating retirement, and Yankee blogs have the audacity to crow about how smart Brian Cashman is...
But conniving is actually the world.

All last season, we played lovie-dovie with Damon. We were going to resign him. That was the line. He gave us everything. Presence. Calmness. Hits. Stolen bases. Power. Clutch. Smarts.
Moreover, in coming to the Yankees, he endured a ton of filthy crap heaped upon him by Redsock fans. They hated him with the blank, dull blackness of a billion Tim Green novels. Yeah, we paid him lots of money. But I'd like to believe we offer the loyalty that Boston doesn't. (See Wade Boggs, Carlton Fisk, Pedro Martinez, et al.)
We did dirt to a great Yankee. That's why, this winter, we may look good on paper, but we feel like we're looking up from the bottom of a well.


  1. When did the Yankees say they were going to resign him?

  2. fuck i can't wait til the season starts and javey is a solid #4 starter for us (number four el douche!!). quit your bitching already, it's getting old man.

  3. yeah, WE did dirt, not Boras. The bitching's getting old.

  4. How cold are some fans that cheer Johnny one day and kick him to the curb the next?
    I hear ye Duque

  5. You can't get too attached to 'em. They're like hookers that way.

  6. I want Johnny back too! I hate that we haven't signed him. I think he needs a Yankeeography from you.

  7. I for one am for Johnny D returning. I do recall Damon/Boras asking for a ridiculous price and year package way back when. We all know he isnt worth that much. But did we not just Donate 500k to Haiti? What can we give him realistically..10 Million.. TOPS?? thats just a price raise on the hotdogs over 82 games.

  8. im surprised el dickhead didn't compare this to not signing lackey

  9. Ian Kennedy would be a better IIH Yankeeography subject.


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