Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yankee fan of the Week: Joe Pereira

From the Jan. 12 New Haven Register:

A freak injury that lacerated his spleen forced West Haven's Joe Pereira (right, No. 6) to watch from the stands as his Boston University teammates won the national championship in April. The last thing he wanted was to miss another once-in-a-lifetime event -- the Terriers' game against Boston College at sold-out Fenway Park last Friday. Pereira had hernia surgery on Dec. 8, and sweated out most of last week until finding out the day before the game he would be in the lineup.
Pereira responded in a big way, scoring BU's second goal in a 3- 2 victory before 38,472, the largest crowd to witness a hockey game in the eastern United States...
"It was such a great experience playing in front of that many people," said Pereira,
a lifelong Yankees fan. "They asked me after the game if I was a Red Sox fan. I said no, and that playing in Fenway would have to do. But I was definitely lucky. I got to dress in the same stall (in the visiting locker room) that Derek Jeter uses every time the Yankees play at Fenway."

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