Friday, February 19, 2010

BREAKING: Hollywood Yankee-Hater Launches Big-Money Smear Campaign

Still reeling from the Yankees' 2009 World Championship, Boston Red Sox fan/Hollywood auteur Ben Affleck (seen at right in bed with a young boy on an episode of South Park) is said to be planning a possibly $100,000,000-plus smear campaign against the greatest franchise in sports history:
The Trade, a film that tells the true tale of 2 New York Yankees pitchers who caused a national scandal by swapping wives in the sexually-free 1970s, has finally hit the big leagues. Ben Affleck has become attached to direct and potentially star in the Warner Bros film.
MY BOTTOM LINE: Personal attacks have no place in baseball -- particularly when they emanate from Hollywood actors who sleep with young boys on South Park.

Warner Brothers Finally Going Ahead With Shocking Film About Yankees Sex Scandal [Deadline Hollywood]

[Thanks to commenter/tipster Anonymous]

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