Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mad Anthrax Killer Was Diehard Yankee-hater

The late Dr. Bruce Ivins, believed to the 2001 Anthrax killer, hated the Yankees with a heart that was blacker than a billion eggplants in a coal mine at midnight.

"As the FBI officially closed its investigation into the anthrax case yesterday, the feds said their prime suspect, Dr. Bruce Ivins - who killed himself in 2008 as the feds were about to charge him - thought the Big Apple was a rotten place and included the message "FNY" in his letters to New York media organizations."

According to the FBI:

Ivins also harbored a hatred for the Yankees.

"Dr. Ivins strongly associated [the former colleague] with New York," the report said. "His communications with her . . . in the years that followed were replete with references to the New York Yankees, her favorite baseball team, not always in the kindest of terms."

Moral: Never turn your back on a Redsock fan.

1 comment:

  1. So he did all that because Suzyn wouldn't date him?


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