Monday, February 22, 2010

Who is Chan Ho Park? Ten things you didn't know

1. In his first Major League game, his team -- the Dodgers -- were no-hit.

2. He peaked 12 years ago.

3. He gave up Barry Bonds' record-breaking 71st and 72nd home runs.

4. Between 2002-05, he received the second-most unwieldy contract in the history of the Texas Rangers.

5. When as a San Diego Padre he developed a mysterious intestinal disease, the wife of Jake Peavy gave him blood transfusions.

6. While a Met in 2007, he was brought up from the minors one day to replace the great Cuban pitcher, El Duque!

7. That year, in Triple A, he went 2-10.

8. He, Kevin Brown, Jamie Moyer and Al Leiter, are the only pitchers to have started against all 30 teams.

9. He is suing former Dodger teammate Chad Kreuter for $460,000.

10. He signed with the Yankees today.


  1. 11. I was flabbergasted in November that somebody in professional baseball continued to give him a job.

    ANYBODY but Chan Ho Park.

    Cashman called him “very attractive, especially what he does out of the bullpen.”

    Yes Brian. Let's keep him out of the bullpen. And out of the starting rotation. And out of the Stadium.

    I want to start taking a collection to pay him his salary to NOT pitch for the Yankees.

    "I was deliberating on the Chicago Cubs and the Yankees, but their history and championship contention resulted in me picking the Yankees," he said, according to the report."


    This sums up everything that is wrong with baseball. That someone is willing to pay Chan Ho Park money to play baseball. And that us.


  2. Maybe he can bean Youk, then kick him in the head when he charges the mound...

  3. But in 3.1 innings in the World Series the Yankees had 0 R, 2 H, 1 BB against him.
    So Marte + Park = Stanton + Nelson!

  4. Not so...specifically #2, he peaked 12 years ago.

    I'm not disputing the statment in itself, but rather the allegation that these were things we don't know. We already know he peaked 12 years ago.

  5. Did any of you even watch the playoffs last year?

  6. Does anyone remember the last West Coast trip the Yanks made late last season? Mitre and Gaudin won two big games on that West Coast swing. They finaly won a regular season series @ the Angels! No one must have told them they hadn't won a series there in a very long time. My point is they won some big games for the Yanks last season (and gave Andy Pettitte some much needed days off)

    I swear, WTH is Cashman thinking? I've got to tell you, in my opinion, he has made some seriously bad moves this offseason. Does anyone remember in 2008, the Yanks had won 8 straight after the All-Star break, Cashman went and traded Farnsworth for "Pudge" Rodríguez? As soon as the trade was completed, someone seen Jeter walk by Girardi's office, Jeter popped his head in and told Girardi quote "This team just got worse". No sooner then "Pudge" was a Yankee, he went and screwed up several Yankee pitchers with his pitch calling.
    There is such a thing as making TOO MANY MOVES! Park is just a drop in the bucket of some more bad Cashman moves.

  7. I'll say one nice thing about Chan Ho. That was the nicest beard any Asian athlete has ever sported in the playoffs.

    And since the Yankee facial hair ban exists, we don't even get that.

  8. Gaudin pitched well for the Yanks, but Mitre's ERA was 6.79. says he didn't pitch against the Angels. In fact, he pitched in only one game against a team with a winning record; he gave up 4 runs in 2 innings against the Red Sox [the 20-11 game.] I'll be surprised if he's on the opening day roster.

  9. I agree with OpusOne; that was a nice lumberjack beard.

  10. This is almost as bad as signing LaTroy Hawkins, but without the controversy of taking Paulie's number 23.


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