Thursday, February 25, 2010


From yesterday's Tampa Tribune--

Rays economics
The Tampa Tribune
With the Rays' fan day over for another year, the big question is how to put more fans in the seats at Tropicana Field. Let's start by adding up the cost of attending a game for two people even if you live near the stadium, which I don't. Parking is $15; two nosebleed seats are $30; two hot dogs, one beer and a soda are about $24. So, the total is about $70, with tax, for two people.
I dont know about other fans, but this one cant afford to spend $70 a night to watch a ballgame too often. Bringing the cost down would certainly help fill the stadium. Why not have free parking for everyone? Why does food cost so much? I dont mind paying $20 for seats if thats what it takes to field a competitive team, but running you over the coals for food and parking just doesnt cut it with me. This is not New York City or Boston, where average incomes are much higher. Make it a family friendly destination retired folks can afford. Instead of a once-a-month destination you have to save for, it might become a once-a-week destination. It's simple economics.

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