Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Edwar Is Not Done With North America. Dammit.

No sooner does Edwar get on the Greyhound home ( ok he was born in the DR, but Southern Mexico is his life ), and he gets the call.

" Stop off in Arlington, Texas, on the way to Alphonso's," says Cashman. "I have sold you to the Rangers" for cash considerations."

The Yankees, I am told, got $43.50 and some percentage of Edwar's new
change-up tee shirt sales.

Talk about a bad economy.

So now, I'm frustrated. Who am I going to hang with all summer?

Maybe Mark Melancon, another 10 year pitching prospect in waiting, will come down after he gets cut. I need pitchers, a first baseman, and 100 bags of flour.

Meanwhile, Mr. "Charles Atlas" Johnson is swinging his bat far too hard to survive the week.

Are Mitre and Aceves really our best shots for a fifth starter?

Has Grandy got a base hit yet?

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