Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yankee Official Government News Agency Coming to Syracuse

YES Network, the Fox News Channel of the Yankees, will visit Syracuse University Friday, hopefully to offer budding future Gammonites the chance to see real reporting, rather than gutless Yankee sniping from faceless bloggers -- Superfrankenstein, I'm talking to you -- and the radio-faced print writers. (No, make that National Public Radio-faced reporters. Most print writers are too ugly even to grace the radio stage -- and that's superugly.)

Campus buzz is rising, especially in SU's famous Department of Sports Management, (pictured, right). The Yes-Men topic -- "The Yankees World Series Win" -- reveals the vast exploration of ideas and concepts that befits the $45,000-a-year college experience.
Likely behind the scenes anecdotes:
The night Hillary Clinton heckled Larry Holmes on "Center Stage with Michael Kay."
The special meaning of John Sterling's sailor suit.
Where the hell is Coney?
Welcome, YES.

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