Saturday, March 27, 2010

Yanks Give Out Xanax to Fans

The Yankees showed their offensive might last night, with four scorching singles spread out over nine innings.

Marcus Thames, our youngest 35 year-old outfielder, hit a sharp single to left in his first at bat, raising his Yankee spring average to a nearly even .090. Another slugger was J. Weber who started a no run rally in the ninth. Too bad, earlier J. Weber dropped a soft liner at first to allow a 2 run inning for the Phillies.

Despite the fact that the Yanks never got a runner as far as second base, there were several medium fly balls to the outfield, usually struck on the first or second pitch. I think the game took about an hour and a half.

Nonetheless, the Yankees improved by more than 50% over their previous shut-out loss to the Orioles. The shut-out loss to the Phillies was 3-0 vs. a more ominous 8-0 to the Birds.

What we can take away is this:

1. The Yankees are ready for the real games to begin.

2. Phil Hughes threw more pitches in 3+ innings than Jamie Moyer did in 6 2/3. If Phil can ever find the plate, he'll be good. He looks good. Gets lots of K's and threw not one, fair gopher ball yesterday. He also got screwed by poor defense, and a little bit of umpire squeezing.

3. Zack Segovia, named after a sandwich at the Carnegie Deli on the west side of manhattan, looks like trade bait. Or maybe just bait.

4. Lot's of strange names remain as fodder. I think they are all the older full-time minor leaguers.

5. Mitre did well enough. Ring was looking good until an error and a walk undid him. We are really digging deep in order to have a second lefty for the bullpen.

6. Kei Igawa was send back to Scranton because he is still competing to be our 16th starter.

7. Mo was great in the 6th.

8. Someone named, A. Sanit pitched a 1,2,3 ninth. Is Sanit short for "garbage?" I hope not.

The bottom line is that MLB might as well begin the season, because this group is currently listless, uninterested and uninteresting to watch.

Off to Lakeland for Yanks-Tigers this afternoon. Bringing my own Xanax.


  1. We may have been eliminated from the Grapefruit League race, but I think the Bombers will be super-motivated for today, when they have a chance to play spoiler and prevent the Tigers from catching up to the first place Devil Rays.

    Grapefruit League pennant fever - CATCH IT!

  2. This, my friends, is the kind of analysis you cannot get anywhere else on the famous world wide web.

  3. "WE?"
    The great Si Burick of The Dayton Daily News(the Pulitzer Prize winning newspaper and home once to Scotty Reston) said,"Never say we unless you own the team."
    Spring Training....hummmm....who cares if you have a lousy record during those two months....

  4. Hey, theyankeeprincess --


    (That'll show her!)

  5. We own the team & we are the greates fans in the world (Jeter told me.).


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