Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Told You Earlier: Boone Logan Will Be Awful

In my pre-season wrap-up and predictions, for those of you who read and are willing to give proper attribution to wisdom and insight, I offered the following, " Boone Logan will be awful."

The Yankees were briefly spared this indignity because Boone didn't make the team coming to NYC. Instead, we lived through the initial humiliation of HO Ho Park, who made the team ahead of Boone.

Ho Ho, of course, came back to pitch well once, before sustaining his Jose Reyes injury which will require endless rehabilitation and treatment, followed by set-back after set-back in the Florida sunshine.

So Boone appears in pinstripes, and I start gagging. He is assigned only to pitch to one lefty, early enough in the game that the Yankees, in theory, have a chance to recover. The problem is, Boone cannot throw strikes. I'm surprised Mr Cashman, away yesterday testifying in Washington, was not aware that the reason Boone ( a former number one draft pick ) has been with 8 teams in 6 years, is that he cannot throw strikes.

It that respect, he resembles another top pitching prospect of the Yankees, Mark Melancon, who once walked the first four guys he faced when briefly with the big club. Mark is doing marginally better back in the minors, where he will challenge Kei Igawa for longevity.

So last night, after Phil Hughes gutted out a fine start, and left with 2 outs, no one on base, and a 2-1 lead, in comes Boone to face some lefty batter. Surely, everyone could see what was about to unfold. Boone would walk the guy, Girardi would yank him from the game, and the Yankees would fall apart.

Just like the investment banking crowd, the Yankees keep rewarding failures for failing. Nice work Boone, better luck next time. Meanwhile, here's your million plus salary guaranteed. I know at least 10 guys in their fifties who could have come in and walked that guy.

P.S. I'm getting a bit tired of the Yankee's absent offense.

1 comment:

  1. And I'm getting tired of writers on other blogs who get ecstatic over Robertson's K per 9 innings ratio, as if that's all that matters. He actually improved that stat yesterday by K'ing the only guy he got out. BFD. HE ALSO GAVE UP 3 HITS, HIT A BATTER, AND LOST THE GAME. His WHIP is now 2.20. Since I said I smelled a slump coming [on 4/23, after the Oakland series] they've lost 3 of 4. So far.


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