Saturday, April 17, 2010

With Chan Ho Park on disabled list, God fires three-inning save (Note: This is NOT a call for violence!)

New York _ With a short-handed bullpen Friday, the Yankees turned to God - a/k/a Yahweh, Allah, Sky Pilot, etc - and the Being didn't disappoint, twirling three shutout innings to preserve New York's victory over the forever-to-be-tainted-by-George-Bush Texas Rangers.

"When I heard of the injury to (Yankee reliever) Chan Ho (Park), I had two options," God told Suzyn Waldman, after He was named Road Runner Deity of the Game. "One, I could lay hands and do a 10-second miracle, which was My first impulse. But Joe (Girardi) came to Me and said, 'Top, didJa bring Yer mitt?" Next thing I know, I'm in the pen, throwing to Mike Hegan."

2010 Yankee Save Leaders

Rivera 4
God 1
(24 others tied at 0)

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