Monday, June 21, 2010

I wonder if Arizona will play "New York, New York" again tonight... as they did in 2001, in the most disgraceful display of bad sportsmanship in the history of baseball

Yes, we have not forgotten what they did -- Showalter, Garigiola and company -- every one them with an axe to grind, burning white-hot with Yankee hatred in that foul, burning, lifeless hell known as Arizona.

No sooner had the World Series ended -- a great seven game battle, with comebacks and heroes on both sides, a month after 9/11, no less -- and they taunted the defeated, valiant Yankees by playing "New York, New York" on their public address system, while the players basked in their acidic glory on the field.

The Redsocks never did such a thing. The Mets never did such a thing. The Iranians never did such a thing. In movies where they attack Earth, the aliens never did such a thing.

Arizona did such a thing.

Then, later, when Curt Schilling was being shopped around, the cheap bastards wanted from us Nick Johnson and Alphonso Soriano. They would accept nothing less -- from us. After we told them to go drink a cup of cold piss, then went and dealt the Schill to Boston for a bucket of fried chicken. No, they did not ask for Hanley Ramirez. No, they did not ask for Jon Lester. They wrangled... Casey fucking Fossum.

Later, we took Randy Johnson off their grubby, gism-laden hands, after the cheap, weasily bastards decided he wasn't worth the money they were paying him. They secretly told him, "Get inside the Yankee clubhouse and be the biggest malcontent on the team. Attack a camera man on the streets of New York City. Pitch poorly in a pivotal game of the playoffs. Ruin them, and then you can return to your home in the desert, where the jackals eat the hearts of city people. Muwahahaha."

And Randy Johnson followed orders.

I hate those bastards. They can suck on all their white sand, they can eat their iguana meat and get burned by stepping barefoot on the asphalt in their driveways. They played "New York, New York" to taunt us a minute after the World Series ended. There's a reason everybody hates them. They're fuckers.


  1. Bravo. We will live to micturate on their gristly hides. Don't even get me started--they're prob. sending their border patrol into the Yankee locker room as I write to shakedown anyone swarthier than a snowflake for their citizenship papers. The vast majority of their slimy odious fandom can eat a colossal bowl of cold fuck. They can chase that with a large glass of axle grease garnished with shavings from Jerry Colangelo's filthy wighats. I'll never set foot in that wasteland again. They'll never be forgiven for the vast steroid-fueled horrors foisted on MLB. They'll never be forgiven for encouraging Curtis Montague Schilling to voice his dithering, strident and idiotic opinions to anyone with a microphone. Nor for the limp fucktard Senator McCain, whose political convictions now amount to wetting his pasty finger in the air to test the latest breezes. And they'll never be forgiven for their blatant racist and apartheid-esque policing statutes.

    I am going to assemble then send an army of militant, dark-complected DJ's into their foul state to blast "New York, New York" (by the undeniable Francis Albert Sinatra), on an endless and deafening loop until the entire state's ear drums fracture into smithereenies. And then they shall know that you dasn't fug with pinstriped might. We'll getcha in the end. We won't be denied.

  2. They're such losers clinging to the one moment of victory in the entire history of the club. They roll out Mark Grace and Luis Gonzalez to throw out the first pitch, showing highlights of them winning it all 9 years ago over and over again. Thing is, thats all they got. No one even goes to the games anymore. they average 25k on any given day. 47k showed up to watch Burnett pitch batting practice again.
    I was so pissed in '01 when they won and played NY NY as like a joke tho'. And I'll never forget...

  3. Jim Leyritz's CellmateJune 22, 2010 at 2:21 PM


  4. Actually, on the Boston scoreboard during the '86 World Series, it read "Boston (score), Mets (score), Yanks not playing today".


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