Thursday, June 10, 2010

John's new mantra: "Jobadaba"

He spake it last night in the seventh inning, as Suzyn began bemoaning the measily Baltimore crowd in attendance. (Actually, 16,000 is considered a group, not a crowd).

I hadn't heard John say it before. Suddenly, there it was, sprung from his mouth like a death's head butterfly in those old movie posters for Silence of the Lambs.

"Jobadaba is warming up in the pen." 

And so it comes to this: John is blowing jazz rifts, singing scat, unleashing his inner Bobby Ferrin on the world -- and we can't savor it. MLB says no. The Master is warbling to us from a planet ever farther and more distant than ever -- and we cannot hear it.

MLB will never include such a moment in its game highlights. And yet -- to over-the-edge Yankee/Sterling paranormal cultists -- to all who seek one grain of Sterling Silver now and then within the overwhelming avalanche of Yankee bloggery data -- (Breaking: Montero 1-4 last night at Scranton.) -- that leaves us pining for the days of WPIX... these are the highlights. These are the moments of truth. Everything else is as phony as the elections. "Jabadaba" is as real as it's going to get.

But MLB says no.

Well, we'll see about that.

This aint over folks.

Just want that said.

In case you were wondering, this aint over.

Remember this word: Jabadaba. One of these days, your life will hinge upon it.


  1. Duque,

    Meet me in the woods, near the old entrance to the iron mine. Be wary of bats and copperheads.

    We can tap a power line there and scramble the transmissions to/from MLB offices for 1-2 hours before tracing the source is possible.

    Signal me the way Paul Revere once did, and I will be there.

    I have the disguises and the equipment needed.

    This is our moment.

  2. Quick, now: What is the codeword?

  3. jabadabado alla Fred Flintstone..who Joba does kinda look like

  4. The code word is:

    Vivre La Warble!

  5. Jabadaba? Isn't that an old song by Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich? Wait, no, that was Zabadak. Never mind.

  6. My theory: Sterling had a brain fart, started to say "Jon Albaladejo" instead of "Joba," and caught it -- but not quite in time.

    It's not quite as exciting as your theory, but I have a feeling Gerald Posner would back me up.

  7. I found this impenetrable missive on a back page in the Yankees Quarterly, their new poetry journal, brought to you by Vonage and William Barthman, appreciators of fine verse since 1866. A real head scratcher.

    To Jobadada (W. Blake & H. Moskowitz)

    Why art thou silent & inconsistent
    Father of heartaches
    Why dost thou atrophy in bullpen
    From ev'ry needy Eye

    Why discrepant & incongruous
    In all thy pitches & innings
    That few do reap fruit but
    From random luck & mistake
    Or is it because your mysterious arm
    Gains from fair-weathered fans
    loud response?


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