Sunday, June 6, 2010

What Do Freddy Adu and Mark Teixeira Have in Common?

Mark ("Tex") Teixeira is often called, "the best first baseman in baseball."

Like Freddy Adu ( at right), Tex has long been penciled in as a "can't miss superstar."

Both athletes have been the focus of writers and sportscasters since their early teens. Freddy was once described as the next, "Pele."

Tex struck out 5 times yesterday, failing consistently when given opportunities to help the Yankeees win. He is hitting in the low .200's and it is now June, not April.

The men's World Cup begins next week-end in South Africa.

Freddy didn't come close to making the US team, despite a raft of injuries to key US players.

Time to wake up, Tex.

You're not playing for AIG.

1 comment:

  1. What's all this crap I'm reading and hearing about batting Tex 2d or 5th instead? Those are also key lineup spots. Give him the Torre/A-Roid treatment: 8th.


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