Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The End Of an Era.

It is a difficult week, now, for the Yankees.

We lost the voice of God, we nearly lost Jesus, and now the King of Kings has passed.

The rotten folks in Boston will, of course, cheer the passing of the King of the evil empire ( their words, naturally ), but we know better.

Mr. Steinbrenner made a lot of whacko moves, based upon a hair-trigger temper but, in the end, he was all Yankees all the time. He lived, breathed and now died a great Yankee.

He brought us fame and glory. And he bought us fame and glory.

We reveled in it, and we occasionally despaired. Like when he punched out a guy in the elevator. Or when he hired and re-hired Billy fifty times.

He hurt Yogi unnecessarily, out of a billionaire's pride, but he did reconcile. In the end, we all are lucky to have had him own our franchise.

I first met George on the docks of lake Erie where he was using me to funnel money to certain senators from his shipping company. A tactic for which he paid a price. I'll never forget how he refused to turn on me, and flip me for a softer sentence.

It didn't hurt, I might add, that I was quickly encouraged by Mr. S to re-locate to the deserts of south Mexico before certain law enforcement officers could locate me to ask some uncomfortable questions about my then employment.

Clearly, I still owe the big guy, big time and always will.

When George Steinbrenner was suspended from baseball for trying to "scold" Dave Winfield, it allowed Gene Michael to re-build the team. To give us Mo, Derek, Jorge, Bernie and Andy.

Talk about taking one for the team!

Upon his return to active baseball ownership, he had mellowed a bit, though it took a good while for some of this sentiment to surface. In the process, however, the Yankees won the championship from 1996-2000. And should (could) have had more.

He has been lost to us these past two years or so and I think it is admirable and classy that all Yankee fans have had the grace to understand, and thought him still with us.

So thank you George, and farewell. For we shall meet again. Personally, I hope to be playing third base.

And if you can see the truth about some young prospects from your new vantage point, please find a way to let Brian know.

Yankees in the bond.


  1. Boston shares your loss. Steinbrenner and Sheppard are together, like Pekar and Kupferberg. An interesting day in St. Peter's waiting room.

  2. A. Grumpus, in mourningJuly 13, 2010 at 1:36 PM

    Can you imagine? Two of Ohio's most exceptional native sons waiting at the gate, The Boss already impatient, bloviating and making Harvey tense--much more of this, he's gonna blow. Meanwhile, Sheppard stares off into the celestial expanse and wonders how this ragtag crew could even be near him on his sure road to glory; Tuli sneers, makes up a song that decorum prevents me from quoting, but is pointed and hilarious. And Billy Martin behind the gate, thumbs his nose devilishly at The Boss. He's got a goblet full of heavenly ichor and it's clearly not his first of the long day. God accepts Billy's quirks and foibles, mainly b/c he suffered so on earth and sometimes you gotta indulge. We's all God's children.


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