Sunday, July 18, 2010

Letter to the Editor: "That wonderfully distinct voice..."

Hartford Courant (Connecticut)

July 14, 2010
Dear Editor:

Any baseball fan, or sports fan for that matter, was no doubt saddened to learn of the death of longtime Yankee announcer Bob Sheppard [Sports, July 12, "This Voice Needed No Intro"]. But reflecting on his life should bring only joy. Because what a life it was, from World War II service to voice professor at St. Johns University to announcing more sports events than anyone could imagine.

But his signature work was done at Yankees Stadium, where his rich voice resonated for more than five decades, creating memories that will last even longer. Perhaps nothing could better symbolize the legacy that was to be his career than April 17, 1951. On that day, he announced Mickey Mantle's debut in the Yankee lineup, and it was also, fittingly, Mr. Sheppard's debut as the Yankee public address announcer. Those millions of people who have heard him will each have his or her own memory of that wonderfully distinct voice.

Norman L. Bender, Woodbridge

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