Sunday, July 25, 2010

Looks Like Another Loss to the Woefuls

1. Phil Hughes is now 55 pitches into the game ( 3 innings) and hasn't yet gotten a strike call with a breaking ball. Usually, because they aren't close.

2. So he is again only throwing one pitch. His fastball, which he can locate about 1 time out of three.

3. I thought he was supposed to have 4 pitches? This is the second outing in a row, where he has used only one.

4. Another crap and incompetent call by an umpire against the Yankees gives the Royals an extra run. These guys should not get paid.

5. Robbie is again swinging for a first pitch out just when Hughes needs time to re-gather himself. Immediately after the Yanks spent about 10 seconds batting in the bottom of the second inning, Phil trudges back to the mound and gives up the two runs in the top of the third.

6. The announcers just can't shut up about the impending "600th" Hr for A-rod. It is the only sentence they know how to say.

7. Splitting with the Royals will cost us big time and not because we'll lose a game in the standings. Because, Brian will conclude Hughes is done, Andy's gone, Mitre's a joke and we need another loser, like Dan Hendren or whatever his name is.

This Henren person was once a capable pitcher, but he is a consistent loser now for the Diamondbacks and will cost us Nova, Jesus and another pitcher who could turn out good. The Diamondbacks are still ruining us.

8. I tell you now that we should not do this deal, and will forever regret it if we make this trade. Remember; Brian's track record in dealing prospects for veterans is like our country's war record in the middle east.

And like our Government, Brian never learns from his mistakes.

8. Please take note; we once again have our "B" team out there, and we can't get a hit against the worst team on the planet.

I can't watch. Phil will be done after 5 innings and 5 runs against a AAA team.

Unless we can score 10, we can't win. It is already over.


  1. Whole lot of negativity directed at a win.

  2. Cash's acquiring Haren in exchange for Jesus and today's loss to the Royals totally ruined my weekend. I'm with you, Alphonso. This is intolerable. No wonder we have the worst record in the majors.

  3. This is magnificent negative juju! It won the game for us.

    Alphonso should have been named Yankee Player of the Game.

    Seriously, with the Yankees losing to KC, did anybody at River Ave or Lohud take the time to rip the team a new one -- during the game? No. They were too busy being mainstream. Alphonso took to the Internet, and we won.


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