Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Taxpayer funds going to finance new redneck Redsock fraud Schilling fiasco

If Curtis Montigue Schilling isn't talking Yankee trash this week, it's because his Redsockian motor mouth is clamped down on the public teat. His "company" -- he's probably printed stationery, coffee mugs and mousepads -- has signed a sweet corporate welfare deal with the hamlet of Rhode Island. Where's Glenn Beck on this? We need the Weeeping Eagle!
After campaigning across Massachusetts last winter on behalf of Scott Brown, the Republican centerfold who promised to kill national health coverage because it would cost an arm and a leg, Curt cut a backroom deal and is heading out for the greener pastures of RI.

Tim Cahill, the Massachusetts independent candidate, said he would not have done what Rhode Island did, while former Republican US senator Lincoln Chafee, an independent candidate in Rhode Island, criticized his state for taking a potentially expensive gamble on what he said was an unproven company.

"I've invested a significant amount of my life's earnings in 38 Studios," Schilling told the Globe, "and I will protect the loan guarantee that's been given by the state with the same passion and interest that I'm protecting my own investment in this company. Our paths are very much aligned."

Well, Schilling's path is toward public gravy. He hates spending, unless it's on him. If his company tanks, at least the state of Rhode Island won't have problems finding red ink. Schilling has plenty of it -- IN HIS SOCKS.

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