Monday, October 18, 2010

10 Reasons We Will Win Tonight

1. Contrary to media reports, Cliff Lee is not God Almighty.

2. Rangers frost-bitten in 50-degree cold.

3. A.J. Burnett is not pitching.

4. Contrary to Alphonso reports, Jorge not done.

5. Rangers untested under intense, all-wise glare of celebrities.

6. Texas bullpen loves to walk first batter.

7. Joba/Kerry/Robertson bridge looking solid.

8. Lovable George. W. Bush mascot not in attendance.

9. Their closer, "the next Mariano," is not the next Mariano.

10. El Duque to listen on radio, blog John & Suzyn running comments.  


  1. If the Yankees win this ballgame, you have to liveblog every game til they lose.

  2. Are you sure W won't be in the Steinbrenners' box?
    Will Cameron Diaz make an appearance?
    I miss Kate's beautiful smile, and all the other reasons she was EOTM last October.

  3. Of the ten reasons listed, only number 10 proved correct.


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