Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Here Is What I Think We Are Going To See Tonight

Think about what has temporarily ( we hope it is temporary ) ruined America.

It has been a failure to trade short-term gains for long term benefits. An absence of vision and a total disdain for the future has prevailed in commerce and in government.

Worst of all, our leaders have given up the notion of accountability.

We still pay billions per year to have nuclear subs patrolling around in search of a conventional war.

We lose track of billions ( cash in bags ) in Iraq and guys get promoted and laden with medals.

Each day, we see CEO's rewarded for incompetence.

And what do these Harvard B-School geniuses do to " turn around a company?" They fire people, eliminate dividends, cut quality and raise prices.

And who is the low turd in this sequence?

We are. The taxpayers, the shareholders, the workers.

At this moment, in parts of the NYC area, we can't watch the Giants or the Yankees on Cablevision because two cable content providers( Cablevision & Fox) both want more profits. They, of course, have been granted powers of monopoly by our wonderful representatives in Washington so all the leverage rests with them. I hesitate to inquire how many millions ( more likely, billions over time ), exactly, exchanged hands to assure this continuing inequity.

Once again, in this fine example of democratic principles, the people have no choices. Just like on most election days.

In the end, the people lose both ways. We can't watch what we paid to watch and, soon, we'll pay more for this monopolistic, crap service so the CEO's can have a larger bonus ( and boner, as a result ).

And we will have temporary respite, but no recourse, until the next contract becomes due.

Do I digress? Read on.

Tonight, the Yankees are using a proven failure ( AJ Burnett ) to win a crucial game. Said pitcher has, what, a $75 million contract? And an ERA in the 9's over the last half of 2010? Did someone say he last had a quality start 82 days ago?

He will have us behind by seven runs early. And he'll still get a paycheck larger than my barn. So, unless tonight is a reversal of fortune for America, we the fans are going to get shat upon yet again.

As an aside, Texas fans only cheer the Rangers because they are paid to do so by the Bushies and Tea snorters named Koch and Murdoch. Wait until you see the new RV's these Texas fans get if Texas wins this thing.

I will be watching the game from a bar where FIOS is in play. If the Yankees are again humiliated; if I am proven correct about AJ; I will stay there until closing.

Possibly longer.

1 comment:

  1. We are only behind by 3 runs agt this point, but there is still alot of game left. Thank you A.J. and Mr Logan.


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