Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yankees Drop Opener In Bay City As SF Romps 11-4

CC didn't make it through 5 innings yesterday, as the feisty SF Giants jumped on him for a 6 run inning in the 5th.

Much of the Giant's damage occurred after two were out. CC said that he had some problems with location, and credited Juan Uribe with hitting a mistake.

Tim Linsecum was not dominating either, although he hung on for 5 2/3 innings, yielding 4 runs but earning the win.

One would normally expect a far tighter game, with two recent Cy Young winners facing one another. But baseball, as John sterling says, is difficult to predict.

The Yankee bats were frustrated again and again, as they left too many runners in scoring position. They did this far too often in the series against Texas , as well.

Reflecting back upon the ALCS with Texas, Hal Steinbrenner commented," I just don't want to see A-Rod taking strike three at the end of any game. It reminds me of what Carlos Beltran did against the Cardinals when they were on the brink of going to the world Series, and look what has happened to them since that moment."

Thanks, Hal.

A three run rally in the ninth made it a closer, more competitive ball game, and forced SF to use their " Smith Bros." closer, but A-Rod flied to right to end the game with Yankees on the bases.

"Too little, too late," said Joe Girardi in the post game interview.

" But I liked the comeback. I liked the heart we showed. I think tonight will be a different story."

We hope so, too, Joe.


  1. Pettitte tonight. I like our chances.

  2. We need his bat, but Joe can't play Thames in RF again.

  3. Buck Foston says,

    Which Earth is this game taking place on?

  4. A-Rod strands Swish at third. No score after two.

  5. SuperF.......

    Are we driving Duque nuts again, or what?

  6. Hope so, Alph.
    Yanks score 7 in the 8th. Typical!

  7. With that cushion they were able to use Mitre in the 9th and save Mo's arm.

  8. Shoot. I got it backwards. The Yankees lost.

    This game is hard.

  9. And I stupidly followed suit. It is hard


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