Friday, November 12, 2010

YANKEETORIAL: Two years ago, with the world facing an economic meltdown, the Yankees led the way in spending America back to good health. Today, we face a double-dip recession, and once again, the nation turns its lonely eyes to the Pinstriped Beacon of Prosperity

Lately, a cadre of Yank-Tea Party fanatics have been whinnying about the cost of adding Cliff Lee to what they see as a burgeoning future fiscal crisis. These word-and-number barfers claim the Yankees could suffer with $140 million tied into long term contracts with aging players.

These calculator-cruncher clods should give up baseball and start following the NFL, the world's most communistic organization. (They call it "Parity.") These so-called Yankee fans should move to Alaska and join the army of lawyers fighting to prove that Eskimos cannot spell.

The Yankees, as an organization, stand for out-of-control spending. Got that? There is no salary cap in baseball. The owners couldn't install one. They tried. They failed. And the reason: So the Yankees can outspend other teams and be great.

If you want to cut spending for your team, root for Kansas City.

Once again, the nation faces economic turmoil. Once again, the naysayers are saying "nay!" as naysayers love to say. But listenup everybody:

We will not lead the global recovery by cutting ticket prices and awaiting the rise of Sergio Mitre.

We must spend. We must sign Cliff Lee. We must not worry about deficits.

And if necessary, we must cleanse the Yankiverse of YINOs -- Yankee fans In Name Only.

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