Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Parting Note of Optimism........

I will soon be heading to parts unknown for the remainder of 2010, and wanted to leave Yankee fans with some upbeat notions.

No, Duque, it is not Attica again, to which I am headed. Let's just say, it is a good time to make myself scarce for a while.

As to the 2011 Yankees;

1. What is better than stocking our bullpen with Met castoffs? And I have to assume that Jose Feliciano can also sing the national anthem.. Or perhaps be the PA announcer on sick days.

2. I think the Yanks have a new rule that any addition to the team must be no younger than 34. I know this applies to pitching. So I still qualify, right?

3. Adding these old player is like trying to fill a bathtub with the drain open. We have so many guys at the end of their careers that we don't want to offend them by adding guys who will be around for long themselves.

4. Brian should just come out and say that, " we are re-building." We are setting sail in 2011 in a leaky old boat, that makes about 3 knots down wind. And if Tex or Cano get hurt...........

5. If we are out of the race by the all star break, maybe we won't acquire more old guys whose best days were when Jay Buhner was still playing.

6. I think this could be the year we draft a player who will actually appear in the major leagues during our lifetime. Although I say that every year. So far, only Phil Hughes has showed up.

7. If the Yankees were the Giants, I would say the Yanks can look forward to 8-8 or 9-7 next year.

Happy days.

1 comment:

  1. safe trip alphonso, I'm thinking and fearing that 1a may occur....
    ralph kiner will take the place of john and suzy


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