Wednesday, January 19, 2011

10 Options for Joba Chamberlain

1. Become starting pitcher.

2. Stay in bullpen as "Bridge to Soriano."

3. Demand trade to Nats.*

4. Demand answers from God.

5. Return home, launch meth lab.

6. Stay in bullpen, launch meth lab.

7. "Jersey Shore" 2012.

8. Pro wrestling.

9. Fukkit, just go drinking.

10. Fukkit, just pitch.
*Get it? Gnats? That's quality funny, right there. You won't get that at River Avenue.


  1. Best Photoshop Ever GuyJanuary 19, 2011 at 9:34 AM

    you won't get humor like this at nomaaas. nor will you get some jerk writing in best photoshop ever.

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  3. Joba to the rotation, Mitre or Nova to the 'pen as a long man.


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