Saturday, February 26, 2011

Brackman Injured Playing With New Pitch

Andy Brackman's career is back on track.

He is hurt again.

All 6'10" of his 128 pound frame.

Yesterday, while trying out his new change-up, he slipped and bounced the pitch in front of Cervelli.

Cervelli was using his new glove, designed to handle knuckleballs as well as large orange globes most often used in other venues.

Andy grew up with the orange globe as his focus, and the Yankees are cautiously weaning him from it.

When he reports to Trenton, he will only be allowed to use the larger orange ball for 85 innings.

Any other innings pitched must use the more traditional white one, with red stitching.

Meanwhile, I expect Andrew to miss the rest of spring training nursing his hammy.

So far, he has spent two years (since being drafted number one by our amazing Yankee scouting staff ) in the hospital wing at Raritan new Jersey.

His major league prospects are at least as good as those of Kei Igawa, who is now vying with Eric Chavez as the Yanks' 2011 designated pinch runner.

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