Saturday, February 5, 2011

Count Your Blessings

Complain we may about Yankee ownership and management. Be thankful that you're not a Mets' fan.
from George Vecsey's column on the Know Nothing Mets. a h/t to the Shume
The owners of the Mets keep saying they did not have a clue what was going on in the matter of Bernard L. Madoff.
This raises a question about the once-charming Metsies.
They play in a very expensive store in Queens.
Who exactly is running that store?
Not having a glimmer has been a repetitive experience in the Mets’ clubhouse and front office over the last generation. A lot of strange things happened that ownership discovered very late in the game. There is a pattern here.
On Friday, a lawsuit filed by the trustee for investors caught in the Madoff scandal was unsealed. It charged, in voluminous detail, that Fred Wilpon and Saul Katz, the owners of the Mets, made $300 million in what was called “fictitious profits.” The lawsuit charged that the owners either knew or should have known their friend Bernie was running a fraud.
Wilpon issued a statement Friday saying he had entrusted millions of dollars to Madoff and felt betrayed by a family friend. He undoubtedly does. But how much common sense, innate wisdom, due diligence and scruples would it have taken to notice that Madoff was as phony as a $300 million bill walking around in a blue and orange Mets jacket?
Good grief, the owners even offered Madoff a piece of the Mets in 2002 when they bought out Nelson Doubleday, according to Page 144 of the complaint......

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