Sunday, February 27, 2011

It is time to take nominations for February Yankee Employee of the Month

Some possibilities

Hank Steinbrenner, the king's speech
Jorge Vazquez, uknown
Sergio Mitre, I am number four
Yogi Berra, yogi bear 3D
Larry Rothschild, the mechanic
Bartolo Colon, 127 hours
Freddie Garcia, no strings attached
Derek Jeter, sanctum



  1. Michael Kay: Send your cash gifts to citibank c/o....

  2. Joba Chamberlain: The case of the mysterious weight gain

  3. Alex Rodriguez and Cameron Diaz, Gnomeo and Juliet
    Bartolo Colon and Freddy Garcia, Clash of the Titans
    Mark Prior, Never Say Never
    Jim Leyritz, Drive Angry
    Ronnie Belliard, Just Go With It
    Larry Rothschild and Joe Girardi, The Adjustment Bureau
    Susan Waldman, Season of the Witch
    Mariano Rivera, Of Gods and Men

  4. Ron Guidry, Another Year

    Andy Pettitte, Never Say Never

  5. Let's include someone with an actual notable achievement for a change.

    Say, anyone know who the all-time win leader is for the SWB Yankees ? Hmm ????

  6. For their early spring training performances...

    Dellin Betances, Brooklyn's Finest
    Ivan Nova, Kick-Ass

  7. Vazquez: 5 for 5 with 2 homers.
    More important than any movie title reference.


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