Monday, February 14, 2011

Open Letter to Brian Cashman: We must sign Kevin Millwood

Dear Madam or Sir,

Wanna be remembered as the GM who traded the next great home run hitter for some putz who was booed by angry Yankee fans because what we gave up to get him?

Wanna be the bum who traded Dellin Betances, or Manny Bannuelos, or Andrew Brackman -- the future 7-time Cy Young winners -- because he couldn't figure out which one would emerge?

Or wanna be the cool, Hollywood-celebrity-dating playboy GM who built the New York Yankees' greatest dynasty?

Sir, two words: TRANSITION YEAR...

Sign Kevin Millwood. Today. Pay him mucho money. Fuckit. Gobs of cash. One-year deal. It's only money. Root of all evil. You can't eat money. Millwood will win 15 games. He'll last through August. He's our fourth starter. Next winter, he'll be a free agent, securing us a draft pick.

Kevin Millwood costs nothing but money. So spend it.

Cash, listen, I'm begging you, I'M ON MY HANDS AND KNEES RIGHT NOW...

The Yankees have a new Core Four: Montero, Bannuelos, Brackman and Betances.

Hell, we might even have a Core Eight. Doesn't matter. A few will fail. But some will be Yankees for years to come... UNLESS YOU TRADE THEM.

With Millwood as fourth starter, we can challenge for the AL East. We need a starter. We do not need to trade a young player.

Sign him. It's only money.

We'll call is "The Cashman Dynasty." Has a ring to it, no?

1 comment:

  1. If you think Millwood will win 15 you are nuts. Here is a guy who in three of the last four years has had an ERA of 5.00 or higher and is 36 years old. Since leading the league in ERA in 2005, his average year since is 10-12, 4.67 which is about all you can expect from him. He's a #5 starter at best, and if Cashman signs him (Millwood is looking for 1 year at $4 to $5 mill) it has to be the same as Garcia's deal. Minor league deal with incentives.


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