Monday, May 16, 2011

It Can Only Get Worse

I finished 3/4 of a bottle of Crown Royal Black last night by the middle of the fifth inning.

I don't remember the rest. Luckily.

But I saw El Duque's rant this morning and he confirmed the nightmare I was having.

In three home games, we have transferred our lifeblood, our energy, our history of success into the veins of the notorious and previously struggling Red Sox.

Those "dastards," whom we now know fixed the 1918 World Series, have been given a new lease on life.

Unless the Yankees bite the bullet and inject serious youth into this line-up; unless we do so now; and unless those changes yield some magical result ( a new Jeter, a new Jorge, a new A-Rod, a new Bernie and, yes, new Andys and MOs, etc.) this season will be ruinous.

And, Duque; if Cashman and Co. don't do it right, it will be for a decade.

The fans can understand a transition year. A re-building year. Finding out who has talent and who doesn't. Making a few mistakes. It's natural.

But we will not accept it if the Yankees begin making bonehead deals like the Knicks did, under the delusion that, " this is a long season and we can comeback and win, with a few tweaks"
or, " Yankee fans won't accept anything else but a championship, blah, blah."

The Pat Ewing fiasco trade cost the Kicks a decade of cellar-dwelling, lousy basketball, no hope or prospect of improving, and huge increases in ticket prices.

The recent failure of the "Melo" trade ( which I predicted for those of you wishing to do the research) will cost them another 5 years, minimum ( unless you are happy with " one and done" in playoff appearances ). Unless that is your definition of success.

You get my drift.

What we won't accept is what is in front of us now. A hodgepodge of aging, wounded and grossly over-paid garbage. Poor performers, former performers and non performers.

Joe has already had his secret team meeting. We noted the positive results from that card played.


Cashman, Girardi and the Steinbrenner beneficiaries have got to face reality: This Yankee team in a non compete phase for 2011.

It will be us and the Mets battling for the cellars of NYC. And I say the Mets are better.

All the Yankees can productively achieve in 2011 is learn whether we have "guns" in the minors or spit balls.

If we trade our unknowns for knowns now, we wind up with known knowns who suck (I borrow here from the poet laureate of IIH,IIf, IIc ).

Our winning era was due to a group of home grown players with a key player or two added once the core was firmly established. That is the entire reason this team won 5 World Championships and nearly won a few more.

That is the only way to do it again.


  1. Betances threw five innings last night. No runs. He's on course to be good... maybe next year.

    Unless we trade him for Carlos Beltran.

  2. Alphonso...these are hard times and I share your pain. My electric bill has been much lower lately because I'm shutting the plasma off half way through the game.

    I only laughed once...and that was when Dan Schulman thought that was Kevin Long sitting next to Andrew Jones (it was Francisco Cervelli). Wait, I laughed twice and that was when I saw how much makeup Bobby V had on.

  3. People, get ready for:
    -the Yankees' eight-game winning streak
    -A.J.'s no-hitter
    -Kate Upton's offer you can't refuse.
    Expect a Miracle!
    [Thanks for the LSD, Sarah!]

  4. I couldn't agree more. Bring up some kids and see what they've got. Enough with the aging superstar that can't do PED's any more.


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