Friday, May 20, 2011

J'Accuse !!!

If baseball is played on Sunday, May 22, then the world only ends if the red sox win the pennant and World Series.

If baseball is played on Sunday, May 22, then can we put that "crazy" to bed, who keeps predicting the apocalypse? What will be his next and greatest bullshit excuse as to why there is still baseball being played?

If baseball is played on Sunday, May 22, can we all agree that the made up tales about Noah, the flood and most of the other literary ( i.e. made-up) tales in those books everyone insists on buying, are just stories?

If baseball is played on Sunday, May 22, can we stop saying how the "big fella" saved me in the plane crash while ignoring the other 158 passengers of all ages and faiths who perished?

If baseball is played on Sunday, May 22, can we finally agree that living to the ideals of the middle ages in 2011 is insane?

I'll be sitting along the 3rd base line and am bringing my glove.

See you on Sunday.


  1. Just fyi, a tiny minority of Christians (and a crazy minority at that) think the world is ending tomorrow. Seriously. 0.0000000000001% of Christians. (if my math is correct)

    And, technically, the ideals of Christianity were made popular long before the Middle Ages. (Although the Middle Ages can lay claim to the witch burning stuff- which, yeah, has no place today.)

    Don't let the few, loud, insane minority to cloud your opinion on the entire group (aka "all Muslims are terrorists" or "all Yankees are centaurs who kiss themselves in a mirror").

  2. I was told that Jesus will come riding down to Earth on a flaming golden dragon and strike down everyone who doesn't go to church every Sunday by a reliable source.


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