Friday, August 12, 2011

Yankeetorial: If we're going down, we're going down together... with Mo

There were times at the end of "Happy Days" when everyone knew the plug needed pulling. The cast had survived anniversary show flashbacks and episodes seeming scripted by Pottsy's therapist, and even if Henry Winkler was sleepwalking and the studio audience had been shipped in from "Let's Make a Deal," the actors went out anyway, spewed their wretched lines, gave everything they had... for The Show... for posterity.

Listen: The greatest closer in history may have jumped the shark.

Folks, it's time to recognize the mortality of the greatest Yankee pitcher ever, Mariano Rivera. No obit here. He's already outlasted every doubter alive. Last week, the sun farted its largest solar flare since 2007. Did it temporarily affect Mariano's cutter? Who knows? Or maybe the great Mariano finally met a batter he cannot get out: Father Time.

Well, folks, here's the script. Like it or not, we're all in this episode. It doesn't matter if you're Donnie Most or the Asian guy who runs the malt shop: The show must go on, the lines must be read, the smiles must be heartfelt, and the pain must not appear on camera.

This is the episode when the cast says goodbye, cheerfully -- remember, the title of the show is "Happy Days" -- even if the lines aren't funny and the ending fills your eyes.

Listen: If we're going down, we're going down with Mo.

No booing. No carping. No second-guessing. We go with Mo.

Here's where we show the world what Yankee fans really are.

This is the scene when the Whos find no gifts under the tree, but gather to sing Christmas carols anyway. This is the scene where John Wayne charges to his death, both guns blazing. This is the scene where Bruce Willis stays behind to blow up the asteriod. This is scene where the Fonz says farewell.

This is the scene we get two or three times in our lives.

Win or lose, rise or fall... it doesn't matter.

Listen: This is our greatest moment. Win or lose, we go with Mo.


  1. Thelma says it's fantastic when we go down together.

  2. On that note, I hope Christina Hendricks is a Yankee fan.

  3. Gotta go to Mo in every save situation until he decides he's done. Unlike somebody else we could mention, Mo will know when it's time for him to go.


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