Monday, October 24, 2011

Anthrax attacks A-Rod

Scott Ian of Anthrax - the band, not the bacterial strain - has officially declared war on the multinational corporation who plays 3B for his favorite team.

In an interview with the Associated Press,  Ian sez:

I am a huge Yankee fan, and I'm officially on strike until Alex Rodriguez is off the team. I have said it from the beginning, when they first got him, I was against it. I feel like he's not a winner, he doesn't belong on the team, he's one of the most selfish players. ... The money this guy is getting paid, he should be hitting 80 home runs and driving in 300 runs a year. The guy didn't even bat .300. ... I don't know how you justify this. ... I can't invest my time anymore in a team that is going to make those kind of decisions. ... There's this whole Occupy Wall Street going on; I just wish all professional sports fans would just boycott going to the games.

The revolution has begun.

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