Tuesday, October 25, 2011

If we don't pick up Swisher's $10 million option, his feelings will be hurt

Seriously, do we want that? I sure don't. I like the guy. True, he sucks in October, his arm is scattershot, and he's probably never going to get better. OK, call me a clod. But I like the guy.

It's the way he scrunches up his face when something happens. You never see Mark Teixiera scrunch up his face. You never see Curtis Granderson or Joe Girardi do it. Two or three times a game, Swisher scrunches up his face. Full tongue extension. Eyeballs popping. It's amazing. Maybe he over-scrunches. But to me, he brings a special face thing to the game. Call me a Yanktard, but I like the guy.

It's not that I'm worried about Swish. He'll do fine in life. The talent to scrunches up his face will land him a job in Hollywood. Few people can do it like him. Jenny McCarthy comes to mind. Maybe that insufferably sweet Zooey lady, the one who sang the anthem the other night. She can probably scrunch her face. But if I have to see any more of her, I might want to scrunch it myself. We are seeing the second coming of Ali McBeal.

But I can't see hurting Swish's feelings. I wouldn't feel good about it. Would anybody?


  1. They should pick up the option, let Jesus play rightfield twice a week, and in October let Jesus be the rightfielder and A-Rod DH. Swisher can distress the team with his superior cheer-leading skills and pinch-hit against lefties.

  2. Swisher hit better in the play-offs than A-Fraud.
    And lay off my new sweetheart Zooey Deschanel. She can't sing, but that's not her fault; blame the idiots at Fox who wanted to promote her new show by asking her to.


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