Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Redsocks are turning on each other like ravenous snake people

I think we’re home free. We tracked through the obligatory wails of agony,  the public shunning of A-Rod, the dishonorable mention awards to Swish and Tex, but no Yankees have been Dixie Chicked on network TV. Yet.

Meanwhile, in Boston, it's The Walking Dead. They’re devouring entrails like zombies in a fat farm. Check this baby out.

Music to my lobes. I gotta believe John "Lager" Lackey is Redsock history – (WE SHOULD GET HIM!) – and for the rest of his career, he’ll pitch his worthless, PBR-hardened ass off against Boston. Sweet.

Let's not forget that the worst moments of the 2000s came at the expense of ex-Yankees with severe grudges. Remember Kenny Rogers? Kenny Lofton? (What is it with ex-Yankees named Kenny?) Even bums with no right to hate us — Effing "Kenny" Pavano, for example — went out of their way to piss down our throats. 

Well, write this down: Big Papi will be gone from Fenway. Let's see what he does against them. Also, I gotta think Carl Crawford is one hamstring away from a meltdown into eternal Redsock hate mail oblivion. One DL listing, and they'll get out the tacks: Ed Whitson time, Boston style.

Right now, watching Boston eat itself beats watching the World Series. Rally beer, anyone?

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