Monday, October 17, 2011

Yankee involvement in the World Series? Big Elvis and 0-4 in the All Star game

Yeah, like we're supposed to root for Lance Berkman, because he's a former Yankee? Forgetabout it.

Still, I'll root for anyone over Texas. (If Moamar Gaddafi puts together a 9-man team and challenges Texas from his last outpost, I'll root for him.)

Personally, I thank God that Grandy and Robbie went a combined 0-4 in the 2011 All Star Game, giving St. Louis the Bud Selig home field advantage. (Tyler "The Former Yankee" Clippard got the win, btw.) Now, I'm really glad Jeet and Mo sat out the game. No reason to win it, considering how we were destined to hit so Swishaliciously in the clutch.

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