Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why comments Are Fewer

For at least a month now I have experienced "flame out" whenever I try to post a comment to this extraordinary web-site/blog.

The "flame outs " occur when I attempt to replicate the required, " I am not a robot" security words. Clearly, this new system is part of an anti Al Quaida ( I can't spell in arab ) efort to keep terrorists out, as well as red sox fans ( is there really a difference?). That is a discussion for another day.

Back to the story line: Each day, I carefully craft my comments to a blog subject and then enter the tangled, danger zone of "verification." At least 95 times out of 100, I am declined. My words and thoughts die on the vine like a bad raisin.

My fear is that this is happening too often. And possibly to real, well-intentioned guests and visitors. My studies show that comments are off by 45% in the last 4 week period, vs. same store sales one year ago.

This cannot be due to a diminishment of core content ( that provokes and encourages commentary ) which remains, by any measure, spectacular, but only to the administrative and visual nightmare of trying to cope with illegibility.

As a consequence, I have funded a new line of tee shirts for the site ( see above, right ).

The first contains my message to the, " I am not a robot" security word administrator.

If he can tell me what it says on the tee shirt, and replicate it as a security code message for tomorrow, I will buy him a bottle of Crown Royal Black.


  1. I went into the settings and clicked a button to disable the annoying robot comment security verification bullshit. Now I have ones and zeroes all over my new clothes. Let me know if you have the problem again; you shouldn't.


  2. Oh, and thanks for bringing this to the attention of IT. As a result of your efforts, we enter the season in top form.

  3. I think it said a flock of seagulls.

  4. Ragin' Kei...uh...Gin, I guess.April 4, 2012 at 7:10 PM

    I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

  5. I never had a problem with the insanely impossible to read distorted anti-robot words. They worked every time for me.

    I had to pay them, but they worked for me.

  6. I never had a problem with the insanely impossible to read distorted anti-robot words. They worked every time for me.

    I had to pay them, but they worked for me.

  7. We need to bring them back if you're going to post every minute.

  8. Oh, great, now that there are no anti-robot watchdog words to type, my comment got posted twice. That never happened with the Tales from the Crypt typeface words.

    And now that your security is so lax, I'm afraid a commenter will enter with a bomb in his shoe. Then we'll be in for it.

  9. Thanks for the assistance.

    If Cashman would stop making deals, we'd be ok.

    However, it is too late now.

    Yanks will be scrambling for the last wild card shot.


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